Sunday, April 7, 2013

It is time to Part Your Hair on the Otherside

It is Sunday morning and I am ready for church.  I love worshiping and praising my God.  He has been so good to me, so patient with me, so available to me...everyday.

Today would have been our 43rd wedding anniversary and I am internally celebrating this number.  For years Dave and I would begin this day with the words, "one down and 49 to go".  The last one I was able to comment on was our 40th. "Forty down and 10 to go."  Dave left this world 6 weeks and 6 days before our 41st. It was the golden 50th celebration we were counting to.  The mark so many couples never see; for one reason or another.  To be honest, I really did expect to see our 50th.  And, I probably will.

There was a time when I believed that if I could get my weight and my eating habits under control, life would be sweet.  Truth be told, there is only one thing that makes life sweet and that is the relationships we encounter during life.  True, I will be healthier when I make good choices with regard to diet, but changing these habits have nothing to do with my joy or peace.

My joy comes from my faith in Jesus.  Every struggle and trail helps me to grow stronger in my faith.  I am encouraged by others who have traveled a similar path; and who have walked along side me.  It is good to have friends.

Grace 'n Grins,